Mission-Ready Friendship

A Blueprint for Deeper Relationships and Life-Changing Faith

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Format: Paperback

Publication date: August 30, 2024

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Whether we know it or not, we all have family members or friends who are fighting hidden battles of doubt, alienation, isolation, guilt, compulsions, grief, or hopelessness. But often we don’t know exactly how to offer the Good News of Jesus to them in these struggles—at least not beyond offering our “thoughts and prayers.” Mission-Ready Friendship is a roadmap for how to truly befriend your friends, not by solving their problems for them but by going deeper to become the friend Jesus created you to be.

Jason J. Simon grew up in a faithful home but wandered into darkness through his high school and college years. For years, he struggled with shame and despair until Chip, a guy he met while eating donuts after Mass, noticed that darkness and disrupted it by being an intentional, thoughtful friend. This relationship changed Simon’s life and eventually inspired him to lead the Evangelical Catholic, a national organization dedicated to helping people discover how God is already at work in the lives of our innermost circle.

This book spells out simple and incremental practices any Catholic can use to develop deeper, more purposeful friendships. You will learn how to

  • become more invested, curious, and empathetic toward others;
  • pray for the people God has placed in your life;
  • be ready for the ways God is prompting you to build deeper friendships; and
  • bring intentionality to your relationships to accompany them closer to God.

Jesus himself used these practices with his followers and sent each of them to use mission-ready friendship to share his good news with others. It’s a simple but powerful approach to relationships that promises to change lives, including your own.

Product Details

Pages: 160

Trim size: 5 x 7 inches

ISBN: 9781646803446

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

  • “Easy and practical.”

    “You are God’s plan A for the people around you. If that intimidates you, or if that’s hard to understand, then Mission-Ready Friendship will break it down in the most reasonable and least-daunting way. This book might not change your life, but it very well could change the lives of those around you. God wants to use you, and this book explains how in such an easy and practical way.”

    Tanner Kalina
    Author and evangelist

  • “Wise guidance.”

    “The faith is caught, not taught; a friend once told me that. And reading Jason J. Simon’s latest has reminded me of how much that friend helped me love my Catholic faith and live it every day. Mission-Ready Friendship challenges us to think about our friends in terms of eternity, walking alongside others with the hope we’ll one day celebrate in heaven together. Simon’s wise guidance is remarkably helpful, reminding us that none of us are meant to pursue holiness alone.”

    Katie Prejean McGrady
    Author and host of The Katie McGrady Show on Sirius XM

  • “I enthusiastically endorse this invaluable guide.”

    “I enthusiastically endorse this invaluable guide to sharing the Gospel through impactful friendships. Mission-Ready Friendship is an inspiring book that will empower Catholics to go forth and share the Gospel through building solid relationships. Jason J. Simon offers practical advice, powerful stories, biblical references, and his own personal testimony for how we are called to be witnesses by first being good friends in today’s increasingly disconnected world.”

    Emily Jaminet
    Radio host and author of The Friendship Project

  • “An easy yet inspirational read.”

    “Jesus said, ‘I have called you friends’ (Jn 15:15), and Jason J. Simon takes him at his word. Mission-Ready Friendship is an easy yet inspirational read communicating how this most natural human dynamic of friendship can be used by God for the great task of evangelization. Simon presents a colorful vision of how this can happen without the loss of integrity or authenticity.”

    Fr. James Mallon
    Pastor, author, and founder of Divine Renovation Ministry

  • “This book will change the way you see your life.”

    “If you desire to live a life with meaningful relationships, this is the book for you! There is no better person who has the lived experience, knowledge, heart, and authority to write a book about friendship and God’s love than Jason J. Simon. This book will change the way you see your life and the lives of those whom God has placed in your circle. It will encourage you and empower you to build lifelong and life-changing friendships with God as the source of grace.”

    Paul George
    Consultant, speaker, and author of Rethink Happiness and Holy Grit

  • “I recommend this book to anyone who serves Christ and wants to make a difference!”

    “Jason J. Simon is a generational leader, and he is right—friendships are critical to the evangelization of the world! Mission-Ready Friendship is a clear and engaging read on how we (and God working through us) can impact the lives of those around us simply by being true friends. I recommend this book to anyone who serves Christ and wants to make a difference!”

    Curtis Martin
    Founder and CEO of FOCUS

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