October is the Month of the Holy Rosary

Learn more about the Holy Rosary and share in its graces during October, the month of the Holy Rosary.

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Bl. Carlo Acutis and Eucharistic Miracles

Explore with your students the research on Eucharistic miracles that was done by Blessed Carlo Acutis.

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Poetry Reflection: “Godhead Here in Hiding”

This poetry exercise inspires the students to artistic imagination as they experience the graces of the Holy Eucharist.

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Prayer For Peace – Praying with St. Francis of Assisi

A prayer and discussion activity featuring St. Francis Assis's Peace Prayer.

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Discovering God in Nature – A Prayerful Mindfulness Exercise on the Beauty of Creation

This exercise encourages students to reflect on the beauty of creation and to discover more about the Lord in doing so. Through this activity, students have the opportunity to get outside, to become more in-touch with their surroundings, and to…

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Ignatian Contemplation: The Hemorrhaging Woman and Jairus’ Daughter (Mark 5:21-43)

Use this 500-year-old form of Scripture meditation to help your students vividly encounter Christ and His Gospel of personal, healing love.

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Building a Consistent Prayer Life

This exercise, which includes sharing about the highs and lows of life, allows students to connect with one another and encourages vulnerability in discussing their prayer lives.

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Art Exercise: Eucharistic Revival in our Personal Lives

Through art, a J.R.R. Tolkien quote, and personal reflection, this lesson invites students to personally enter into the current Eucharistic revival in the American Catholic Church and to surrender their lives, burdens, and loves to Jesus’ perfect…

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Mindfulness Exercise – Temples of the Holy Spirit

This mindfulness exercise will help students to become in tune with themselves, to see their bodies as good, and to practice gratitude. This exercise is helpful especially on days that have been stressful or busy.

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Small Group and Panel Discussion on Faith

This discussion activity can be used with several different high school theology courses.

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